jctl - control the Jwgc session
jctl [ -h ] [ -d <flags> ] command < args... >
Jctl is used to control the status of the Jwgc process. It operates by accepting a command and various args from the command line. The commands are listed and explained below, as well as the few options. Note that when a jid is requested that it is important to specify the full jid. This includes contacts behind transports. For example, if you know someone in AIM called NinjaMan3 and you wanted to subscribe to their presence, you might type:
jctl subscribe NinjaMan3@aim.jabber.somewhere.org
Jctl understands the following options:
-h Displays usage information.
-d <flags> Debugging output. Run without <flags> for usage.
The debugging output referred to above is for jctl, not jwgc. The debug command below affects jwgc.
jctl understands the following commands:
help Displays usage information
Same as -h.
reread Reread description file ($HOME/.jwgc.desc)
This command triggers I<jwgc> to reread this description file and incorporate any changes you have made to it since the last time it was read (which is normally when I<jwgc> is first invoked. The description file is explained in detail in jwgc.desc(5).
subscribe jid Subscribe to a user's presence
This triggers I<jwgc> to subscribe you to the presence of the I<jid> you specify, thereby adding them to your contact list.
unsubscribe jid Unsubscribe from a user's presence
This triggers I<jwgc> to unsubscribe you from the presence of the I<jid> you specify, thereby removing them from your contact list. The same rules apply here that apply to I<subscribe>.
nickname jid nick Gives a contact a nickname
This triggers I<jwgc> to set a nickname on a contact. This nickname can then be used to refer to the contact from I<jwrite> and will be show in many of the output formats of I<jlocate>. If you want to remove a nickname from a contact, you can leave off I<nick>.
group jid group Puts a contact in a group
This triggers I<jwgc> to make a contact a member of a group. This can be show via the -g option of I<jlocate> and can help you organize your contact list. If you want to remove a contact from a group, you can leave off I<group>.
join jid Join conference chatroom
Joins a chat room identified by the jid. The jid is normally something like roomname@hostname/nickname. Nickname is what you would like to be called in the chat room. Eg: jdev@conference.jabber.org/chatguy
leave jid Leave conference chatroom
Leaves a chat room identified by the jid. The jid is normally something like roomname@hostname. Eg: help@conference.jabber.org.
debug debugflags Configures jwgc debugging output
Allows you to change debugging flags on the fly. Takes the same style of flags as the -d option. Note that this adjusts jwgc, not jctl.
set var setting Set variable
This sets a variable in the currently running jwgc.
show var Show variable setting
This shows the current setting of the specified variable in the currently running jwgc.
shutdown Log off of Jabber server and shut down jwgc
This triggers I<jwgc> to log you off of the Jabber server and shut itself down. You should use this to shut down and log off cleanly.
register jid Register with a transport
This triggers I<jwgc> to register you with a transport. You should use the jid of the transport, not the "name". You should check I<jstat> to see what transports are available. This will return a form for you to fill out if the transport allows registration.
search jid Search a transport
This triggers I<jwgc> to perform a search with the specified transport I<jid>. This will return a form for you to fill you with search parameters.
debug flags Alter debug flags
Allows you to change debug flags on the fly by specifying them just as you would from the command line. This only affects the debugging state of I<jwgc> and is modifying what is already set. For instance, if you have the I<jab> debugging flag turned on, and you specify I<-jab> to I<jctl debug>, you will turn off jabber communication debugging output and will not affect any other debugging flags.
Daniel Henninger <jadestorm@users.sourceforge.net>
Copyright (c) 2002 Daniel Henninger. All right reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms explained in the LICENSE file that comes with the jwgc distribution.
jwgc(1), jwrite(1), jctl(1), jlocate(1)