Jabber WindowGram Client (JWGC)

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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
00003 Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
00004 csompliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
00005 http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
00007 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
00008 basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
00009 License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
00010 under the License.
00012 The Original Code is expat.
00014 The Initial Developer of the Original Code is James Clark.
00015 Portions created by James Clark are Copyright (C) 1998, 1999
00016 James Clark. All Rights Reserved.
00017 */
00019 /* $Id: JHashTable.c,v 1.3 2004/08/21 03:22:12 jadestorm Exp $ */
00021 #define XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T
00022 #ifdef XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T
00023 #ifndef XML_UNICODE
00024 #define XML_UNICODE
00025 #endif
00026 #endif
00028 #include "libjwgc.h"
00030 #define INIT_SIZE 64
00032 static
00033 int 
00034 keyeq(KEY s1, KEY s2)
00035 {
00036         for (; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++)
00037                 if (*s1 == 0)
00038                         return 1;
00039         return 0;
00040 }
00042 static
00043 unsigned long 
00044 hash(KEY s)
00045 {
00046         unsigned long h = 0;
00047         while (*s)
00048                 h = (h << 5) + h + (unsigned char) *s++;
00049         return h;
00050 }
00052 NAMED *
00053 lookup(HASH_TABLE * table, KEY name, size_t createSize)
00054 {
00055         size_t i;
00056         if (table->size == 0) {
00057                 if (!createSize)
00058                         return 0;
00059                 table->v = calloc(INIT_SIZE, sizeof(NAMED *));
00060                 if (!table->v)
00061                         return 0;
00062                 table->size = INIT_SIZE;
00063                 table->usedLim = INIT_SIZE / 2;
00064                 i = hash(name) & (table->size - 1);
00065         }
00066         else {
00067                 unsigned long h = hash(name);
00068                 for (i = h & (table->size - 1);
00069                      table->v[i];
00070                      i == 0 ? i = table->size - 1 : --i) {
00071                         if (keyeq(name, table->v[i]->name))
00072                                 return table->v[i];
00073                 }
00074                 if (!createSize)
00075                         return 0;
00076                 if (table->used == table->usedLim) {
00077                         /* check for overflow */
00078                         size_t newSize = table->size * 2;
00079                         NAMED **newV = calloc(newSize, sizeof(NAMED *));
00080                         if (!newV)
00081                                 return 0;
00082                         for (i = 0; i < table->size; i++)
00083                                 if (table->v[i]) {
00084                                         size_t j;
00085                                         for (j = hash(table->v[i]->name) & (newSize - 1);
00086                                              newV[j];
00087                                              j == 0 ? j = newSize - 1 : --j);
00088                                         newV[j] = table->v[i];
00089                                 }
00090                         free(table->v);
00091                         table->v = newV;
00092                         table->size = newSize;
00093                         table->usedLim = newSize / 2;
00094                         for (i = h & (table->size - 1);
00095                              table->v[i];
00096                              i == 0 ? i = table->size - 1 : --i);
00097                 }
00098         }
00099         table->v[i] = calloc(1, createSize);
00100         if (!table->v[i])
00101                 return 0;
00102         table->v[i]->name = name;
00103         (table->used)++;
00104         return table->v[i];
00105 }
00107 void 
00108 hashTableDestroy(HASH_TABLE * table)
00109 {
00110         size_t i;
00111         for (i = 0; i < table->size; i++) {
00112                 NAMED *p = table->v[i];
00113                 if (p)
00114                         free(p);
00115         }
00116         free(table->v);
00117 }
00119 void 
00120 hashTableInit(HASH_TABLE * p)
00121 {
00122         p->size = 0;
00123         p->usedLim = 0;
00124         p->used = 0;
00125         p->v = 0;
00126 }
00128 void 
00129 hashTableIterInit(HASH_TABLE_ITER * iter, const HASH_TABLE * table)
00130 {
00131         iter->p = table->v;
00132         iter->end = iter->p + table->size;
00133 }
00135 NAMED *
00136 hashTableIterNext(HASH_TABLE_ITER * iter)
00137 {
00138         while (iter->p != iter->end) {
00139                 NAMED *tem = *(iter->p)++;
00140                 if (tem)
00141                         return tem;
00142         }
00143         return 0;
00144 }

Last updated at Tue Dec 18 21:07:42 PST 2007. This site and project hosted by...SourceForge.net Logo
Source Perspective by Fisheye