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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef port_TYPE
00002 #define port_TYPE
00004 /*
00005  *      Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
00006  *      For copying and distribution information, see the file
00007  *      "mit-copyright.h".
00008  *
00009  *      Modified for jwgc by Daniel Henninger.
00010  */
00012 #include "mit-copyright.h"
00014 #include <stdio.h>
00015 #include "new_string.h"
00016 #include "string_stack.h"
00018 union port__data {
00019     struct {
00020         FILE *input_connector;
00021         FILE *output_connector;
00022     } file;
00023     struct {
00024         string_stack waiting_packets;
00025         string (*filter)();
00026     } filter;
00027     struct {
00028         char *(*output)();
00029     } output;
00030 };
00032 typedef struct {                /* PRIVATE */
00033     char *(*get)();
00034     char *(*put)();
00035     char *(*close_input)();
00036     char *(*close_output)();
00037 #define  INPUT_CLOSED   0x1
00038 #define  OUTPUT_CLOSED  0x2
00039 #define  PORT_CLOSED    0x3
00040     int status;
00041     union port__data data;
00042 } port;
00044 /*
00045  *    void init_ports()
00046  *        Modifies: all ports
00047  *        Effects: Closes all existing ports.  Must be called before
00048  *                 any other port call is made.
00049  */
00051 extern void init_ports();
00053 /*
00054  *    string read_from_port(string name)
00055  *        Requires: init_ports has been called
00056  *        Modifies: the port named name if any, $error
00057  *        Effects: If a port by name name does not exist, sets $error to
00058  *                 "No such port" & returns "".  Otherwise, attempts to
00059  *                 read from that port.  If an error occurs, $error is
00060  *                 set to the error message and "" returned.  Otherwise
00061  *                 the read string is returned.  The returned string is
00062  *                 on the heap & must be eventually freed.
00063  */
00065 extern string read_from_port();
00067 /*
00068  *    void write_on_port(string name, char *text, int length)
00069  *        Requires: init_ports has been called, length>=0
00070  *        Modifies: the port named name if any, $error
00071  *        Effects: If a port by name name does not exist, sets $error to
00072  *                 "No such port" & returns.  Otherwise, attempts to
00073  *                 write text[0..length-1] on that port.  If an error
00074  *                 occurs, $error is set to the error message.
00075  */
00077 extern void write_on_port();
00079 /*
00080  *    void close_port_input(string name)
00081  *        Requires: init_ports has been called
00082  *        Modifies: the port named name if any, $error
00083  *        Effects: If a port by name name does not exist, sets $error to
00084  *                 "No such port" & returns.  Otherwise, closes the
00085  *                 input part of the port by name name.  When both a
00086  *                 port's input & output parts have been closed, the
00087  *                 port is deleted to save space.  If an error
00088  *                 occurs, $error is set to the error message.
00089  */
00091 extern void close_port_input();
00093 /*
00094  *    void close_port_output(string name)
00095  *        Requires: init_ports has been called
00096  *        Modifies: the port named name if any, $error
00097  *        Effects: If a port by name name does not exist, sets $error to
00098  *                 "No such port" & returns.  Otherwise, closes the
00099  *                 output part of the port by name name.  When both a
00100  *                 port's input & output parts have been closed, the
00101  *                 port is deleted to save space.  If an error
00102  *                 occurs, $error is set to the error message.
00103  */
00105 extern void close_port_output();
00108 extern void create_subprocess_port();
00109 extern void create_file_append_port();
00110 extern void create_file_input_port();
00111 extern void create_file_output_port();
00112 extern void create_port_from_filter();
00113 extern void create_port_from_output_proc();
00115 extern void init_standard_ports();
00116 extern void create_port_from_files();
00118 #endif

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