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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  *      Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
00003  *      For copying and distribution information, see the file
00004  *      "mit-copyright.h".
00005  *
00006  *      Modified for jwgc by Daniel Henninger.
00007  */
00009 #include "mit-copyright.h"
00011 /*
00012  * string_dictionary_aux - a module implementing convenience routines for use
00013  *                         with string_dictionarys
00014  *
00015  * Overview:
00016  *
00017  *       This module implements Fetch and Set operations on
00018  *    string_dictionaries which take the place of Define and Lookup for
00019  *    most uses.  The importance difference between them and Define and
00020  *    Lookup is that they maintain the invariant that all the value strings
00021  *    in a string_dictionary are on the heap.  In particular, they do
00022  *    free's and string_Copy's whenever needed.  Also implemented is
00023  *    SafeDestroy which does a Destroy after freeing all the value strings
00024  *    in a string_dictionary.
00025  */
00027 #include "string_dictionary.h"
00029 /*
00030  *    void string_dictionary_Set(string_dictionary d, string key,string value):
00031  *        Modifies: d
00032  *        Effects: Binds key to value in d.  Automatically free's the
00033  *                 previous value of key, if any.  Value is copied on the
00034  *                 heap.
00035  */
00037 void 
00038 string__dictionary_Set(d, key, value)
00039         string_dictionary d;
00040         string key;
00041         string value;
00042 {
00043         string_dictionary_binding *binding;
00044         int already_exists;
00046         binding = string_dictionary_Define(d, key, &already_exists);
00047         if (already_exists)
00048                 free(binding->value);
00050         binding->value = string_Copy(value);
00051 }
00053 /*
00054  *    char *string_dictionary_Fetch(string_dictionary d, string key)
00055  *        Effects: If key is not bound in d, returns 0.  Otherwise,
00056  *                 returns the value that key is bound to.
00057  *                 Note that the returned string if any should not be
00058  *                 freed or modified in any way.  Note also that it may
00059  *                 disappear later if key is rebound.
00060  */
00062 char *
00063 string_dictionary_Fetch(d, key)
00064         string_dictionary d;
00065         string key;
00066 {
00067         string_dictionary_binding *binding;
00069         binding = string_dictionary_Lookup(d, key);
00070         if (!binding)
00071                 return (0);
00073         return (binding->value);
00074 }
00076 /*
00077  *    void string_dictionary_SafeDestroy(string_dictionary d)
00078  *        Modifies: d
00079  *        Effects: Like string_dictionary_Destroy except first frees
00080  *                 all value's in the dictionary.
00081  */
00083 static void 
00084 free_value_of_binding(b)
00085         string_dictionary_binding *b;
00086 {
00087         free(b->value);
00088 }
00090 void 
00091 string_dictionary_SafeDestroy(d)
00092         string_dictionary d;
00093 {
00094         string_dictionary_Enumerate(d, free_value_of_binding);
00095         string_dictionary_Destroy(d);
00096 }

Last updated at Tue Dec 18 21:07:42 PST 2007. This site and project hosted by...SourceForge.net Logo
Source Perspective by Fisheye