00001 /* 00002 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00003 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00004 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00005 * (at your option) any later version. 00006 * 00007 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00008 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00009 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00010 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00011 * 00012 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 00013 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 00014 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 00015 * 00016 * Jabber 00017 * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 The Jabber Team http://jabber.org/ 00018 * 00019 */ 00020 00021 /* $Id: libjabber.h,v 1.11 2004/08/15 17:21:17 jadestorm Exp $ */ 00022 00023 #ifndef _LIBJABBER_H_ 00024 #define _LIBJABBER_H_ 1 00025 00026 #include <sysdep.h> 00027 #include "libxode.h" 00028 #include "libjabber_types.h" 00029 #include "libjwgc_types.h" 00030 00031 00032 00033 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00034 /* jid.c */ 00035 /* JID structures & constants */ 00036 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00037 jid jid_new(xode_pool p, char *idstr); 00038 /* Creates a jabber id from the idstr */ 00039 void jid_set(jid id, char *str, int item); 00040 /* Individually sets jid components */ 00041 char *jid_full(jid id); 00042 /* Builds a string type=user/resource@server from the jid data */ 00043 jid jid_user(jid a); 00044 int jid_cmp(jid a, jid b); 00045 /* Compares two jid's, returns 0 for perfect match */ 00046 int jid_cmpx(jid a, jid b, int parts); 00047 /* Compares just the parts specified as JID_|JID_ */ 00048 jid jid_append(jid a, jid b); 00049 /* Appending b to a (list), no dups */ 00050 xode jid_xres(jid id); 00051 /* Returns xode representation of the resource?query=string */ 00052 xode jid_nodescan(jid id, xode x); 00053 /* Scans the children of the node for a matching jid attribute */ 00054 00055 00056 00057 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00058 /* jpacket.c */ 00059 /* JPacket structures & constants */ 00060 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00061 jabpacket jabpacket_new(xode x); 00062 /* Creates a jabber packet from the xode */ 00063 jabpacket jabpacket_reset(jabpacket p); 00064 /* Resets the jpacket values based on the xode */ 00065 int jabpacket_subtype(jabpacket p); 00066 /* Returns the subtype value (looks at xode for it) */ 00067 00068 00069 00070 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00071 /* jconn.c */ 00072 /* JConn structures & functions */ 00073 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00074 jabconn jab_new(char *user, char *pass); 00075 void jab_delete(jabconn j); 00076 void jab_state_handler(jabconn j, jabconn_state_h h); 00077 void jab_packet_handler(jabconn j, jabconn_packet_h h); 00078 void jab_start(jabconn j, int ssl); 00079 void jab_startup(jabconn j); 00080 void jab_stop(jabconn j); 00081 int jab_getfd(jabconn j); 00082 jid jab_getjid(jabconn j); 00083 char *jab_getsid(jabconn j); 00084 char *jab_getid(jabconn j); 00085 void jab_send(jabconn j, xode x); 00086 void jab_send_raw(jabconn j, const char *str); 00087 void jab_recv(jabconn j); 00088 void jab_poll(jabconn j, int timeout); 00089 char *jab_auth(jabconn j); 00090 char *jab_reg(jabconn j); 00091 00092 00093 00094 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00095 /* jutil.c */ 00096 /* JUtil functions, types, and defines */ 00097 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ 00098 xode jabutil_presnew(int type, char *to, char *status, int priority); 00099 /* Create a skeleton presence packet */ 00100 xode jabutil_iqnew(int type, char *ns); 00101 /* Create a skeleton iq packet */ 00102 xode jabutil_msgnew(char *type, char *to, char *subj, char *body, char *encrypt); 00103 /* Create a skeleton message packet */ 00104 xode jabutil_pingnew(char *type, char *to); 00105 /* Create a skeleton composing packet */ 00106 xode jabutil_header(char* xmlns, char* server); 00107 /* Create a skeleton stream packet */ 00108 int jabutil_priority(xode x); 00109 /* Determine priority of this packet */ 00110 void jabutil_tofrom(xode x); 00111 /* Swaps to/from fields on a packet */ 00112 xode jabutil_iqresult(xode x); 00113 /* Generate a skeleton iq/result, given a iq/query */ 00114 char *jabutil_timestamp(void); 00115 /* Get stringified timestamp */ 00116 void jabutil_error(xode x, terror E); 00117 /* Append an <error> node to x */ 00118 void jabutil_delay(xode msg, char *reason); 00119 /* Append a delay packet to msg */ 00120 char *jabutil_regkey(char *key, char *seed); 00121 /* pass a seed to generate a key, pass the key again to */ 00122 /* validate (returns it) */ 00123 char *jab_type_to_ascii(int j_type); 00124 /* converts a numeric type to an ascii string */ 00125 char *jab_subtype_to_ascii(int j_subtype); 00126 /* converts a numeric subtype to an ascii string */ 00127 char *jab_contype_to_ascii(int j_contype); 00128 /* converts a numeric connection type to an ascii string */ 00129 00130 00131 #endif /* _LIBJABBER_H_ */
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