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libxode.h File Reference

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "libjwgc_debug.h"
#include "expat.h"
#include <varargs.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  xode_pool_heap
struct  xode_pool_struct
struct  xode_spool_node
struct  xode_spool_struct
struct  xode_struct
struct  xode_stream_struct


#define MAXSHORTSTR   203
#define QUAD_T   unsigned long long
#define VA_LOCAL_DECL   va_list ap;
#define VA_START(f)   va_start(ap)
#define VA_END   va_end(ap)
#define snprintf   ap_snprintf
#define vsnprintf   ap_vsnprintf
#define XODE_TYPE_TAG   0
#define XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB   1
#define XODE_TYPE_CDATA   2
#define XODE_TYPE_LAST   2
#define XODE_TYPE_UNDEF   -1
#define XODE_STREAM_MAXNODE   1000000
#define XODE_STREAM_ROOT   0
#define XODE_STREAM_NODE   1


typedef void(* xode_pool_cleaner )(void *arg)
typedef xode_pool_struct _xode_pool
typedef xode_pool_structxode_pool
typedef xode_spool_structxode_spool
typedef xode_struct _xode
typedef xode_structxode
typedef void(* xode_stream_onNode )(int type, xode x, void *arg)
typedef xode_stream_structxode_stream
typedef xode_stream_struct _xode_stream


int ap_snprintf (char *, size_t, const char *,...)
int ap_vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, va_list ap)
xode_pool xode_pool_heap (int bytes)
xode_pool xode_pool_new (void)
void * xode_pool_malloc (xode_pool p, int size)
void * xode_pool_mallocx (xode_pool p, int size, char c)
void * xode_pool_malloco (xode_pool p, int size)
char * xode_pool_strdup (xode_pool p, const char *src)
void xode_pool_cleanup (xode_pool p, xode_pool_cleaner f, void *arg)
void xode_pool_free (xode_pool p)
int xode_pool_size (xode_pool p)
char * xode_strescape (xode_pool p, char *buf)
char * xode_strunescape (xode_pool p, char *buf)
xode_spool xode_spool_new (void)
xode_spool xode_spool_newfrompool (xode_pool p)
xode_pool xode_spool_getpool (const xode_spool s)
void xode_spooler (xode_spool s,...)
char * xode_spool_tostr (xode_spool s)
void xode_spool_add (xode_spool s, char *str)
char * xode_spool_str (xode_pool p,...)
int xode_spool_getlen (const xode_spool s)
void xode_spool_free (xode_spool s)
xode xode_wrap (xode x, const char *wrapper)
xode xode_new (const char *name)
xode xode_new_frompool (xode_pool p, const char *name)
xode xode_insert_tag (xode parent, const char *name)
xode xode_insert_cdata (xode parent, const char *CDATA, unsigned int size)
xode xode_insert_tagnode (xode parent, xode node)
void xode_insert_node (xode parent, xode node)
xode xode_from_str (char *str, int len)
xode xode_from_file (char *file)
xode xode_dup (xode x)
xode xode_dup_frompool (xode_pool p, xode x)
xode_pool xode_get_pool (xode node)
void xode_hide (xode child)
void xode_hide_attrib (xode parent, const char *name)
void xode_free (xode node)
xode xode_get_tag (xode parent, const char *name)
char * xode_get_tagdata (xode parent, const char *name)
void xode_put_attrib (xode owner, const char *name, const char *value)
char * xode_get_attrib (xode owner, const char *name)
void xode_put_vattrib (xode owner, const char *name, void *value)
void * xode_get_vattrib (xode owner, const char *name)
xode xode_get_firstattrib (xode parent)
xode xode_get_firstchild (xode parent)
xode xode_get_lastchild (xode parent)
xode xode_get_nextsibling (xode sibling)
xode xode_get_prevsibling (xode sibling)
xode xode_get_parent (xode node)
char * xode_get_name (xode node)
char * xode_get_data (xode node)
int xode_get_datasz (xode node)
int xode_get_type (xode node)
int xode_has_children (xode node)
int xode_has_attribs (xode node)
char * xode_to_str (xode node)
char * xode_to_prettystr (xode node)
int xode_cmp (xode a, xode b)
int xode_to_file (char *file, xode node)
xode_stream xode_stream_new (xode_pool p, xode_stream_onNode f, void *arg)
int xode_stream_eat (xode_stream xs, char *buff, int len)

Define Documentation

#define MAXSHORTSTR   203

Definition at line 21 of file libxode.h.

#define QUAD_T   unsigned long long

Definition at line 22 of file libxode.h.

#define snprintf   ap_snprintf

Definition at line 53 of file libxode.h.

Referenced by j_shahash(), j_shahash_r(), jab_getid(), jabutil_error(), jabutil_presnew(), jabutil_timestamp(), main(), xode_file_borked(), xode_from_file(), and xode_to_file().

#define VA_END   va_end(ap)

Definition at line 38 of file libxode.h.

#define VA_LOCAL_DECL   va_list ap;

Definition at line 36 of file libxode.h.

#define VA_START  )     va_start(ap)

Definition at line 37 of file libxode.h.

#define vsnprintf   ap_vsnprintf

Definition at line 58 of file libxode.h.


Definition at line 253 of file libxode.h.


Definition at line 254 of file libxode.h.


Definition at line 249 of file libxode.h.

#define XODE_STREAM_MAXNODE   1000000

Definition at line 248 of file libxode.h.

Referenced by xode_stream_eat().

#define XODE_STREAM_NODE   1

Definition at line 252 of file libxode.h.

#define XODE_STREAM_ROOT   0

Definition at line 251 of file libxode.h.

#define XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB   1

Definition at line 156 of file libxode.h.

Referenced by xode_cmp(), xode_get_attrib(), xode_get_vattrib(), xode_hide_attrib(), xode_insert_node(), xode_put_attrib(), and xode_put_vattrib().

#define XODE_TYPE_CDATA   2

Definition at line 157 of file libxode.h.

Referenced by xode_cmp(), xode_insert_cdata(), and xode_insert_node().

#define XODE_TYPE_LAST   2

Definition at line 159 of file libxode.h.

#define XODE_TYPE_TAG   0

Definition at line 155 of file libxode.h.

Referenced by xode_cmp(), xode_get_tag(), xode_insert_node(), xode_insert_tag(), xode_new(), and xode_new_frompool().

#define XODE_TYPE_UNDEF   -1

Definition at line 160 of file libxode.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct xode_struct _xode

typedef struct xode_pool_struct _xode_pool

Referenced by _xode_pool_new().

typedef struct xode_stream_struct _xode_stream

Referenced by xode_stream_new().

typedef struct xode_struct * xode

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), check_live_jwgc(), contact_status_change(), decode_notice(), display_field(), display_field_boolean(), display_field_fixed(), display_field_hidden(), display_field_jid_multi(), display_field_jid_single(), display_field_list_multi(), display_field_list_single(), display_field_text_multi(), display_field_text_private(), display_field_text_single(), display_form(), display_form_results(), display_nonform_field(), display_nonform_results(), edit_field_boolean(), edit_field_jid_multi(), edit_field_jid_single(), edit_field_list_multi(), edit_field_list_single(), edit_field_text_multi(), edit_field_text_private(), edit_field_text_single(), edit_form_entry(), edit_nonform_entry(), expat_charData(), expat_endElement(), expat_startElement(), fake_startup_packet(), find_contact_group(), find_list_id(), find_list_label(), get_filled_form(), get_filled_nonform(), insert_into_agent_list(), insert_into_contact_list(), insert_resource_into_contact(), jab_auth(), jab_on_packet_handler(), jab_on_state_handler(), jab_reg(), jab_send(), jab_start(), jabpacket_new(), jabpacket_reset(), jabutil_delay(), jabutil_error(), jabutil_header(), jabutil_iqnew(), jabutil_iqresult(), jabutil_msgnew(), jabutil_pingnew(), jabutil_presnew(), jabutil_priority(), jabutil_tofrom(), jctl_do_sendrecv(), jctl_on_event_handler(), JDisplayForm(), JFormHandler(), jid_nodescan(), jid_xres(), jlocate_grouped_on_event_handler(), jlocate_standard_on_event_handler(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), jwg_send(), jwg_serverror(), jwg_servsend(), jwg_servsuccess(), jwg_start(), jwgc_change_presence_event_handler(), jwgpacket_new(), jwgpacket_reset(), jwrite_on_event_handler(), jwrite_ping_on_event_handler(), list_agents(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), main(), process_choice(), process_form_choice(), process_iq_error(), process_iq_result(), process_iq_set(), process_nonform_choice(), process_presence(), set_filled_form(), set_filled_nonform(), show_list_labels(), show_status(), test_match(), update_contact_status(), xode2file(), xode_cmp(), xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), xode_file(), xode_free(), xode_from_file(), xode_from_str(), xode_get_attrib(), xode_get_data(), xode_get_datasz(), xode_get_firstattrib(), xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_lastchild(), xode_get_name(), xode_get_nextsibling(), xode_get_parent(), xode_get_pool(), xode_get_prevsibling(), xode_get_tag(), xode_get_tagdata(), xode_get_type(), xode_get_vattrib(), xode_has_attribs(), xode_has_children(), xode_hide(), xode_hide_attrib(), xode_insert_cdata(), xode_insert_node(), xode_insert_tag(), xode_insert_tagnode(), xode_new(), xode_new_frompool(), xode_put_attrib(), xode_put_expat_attribs(), xode_put_vattrib(), xode_str(), xode_stream_eat(), xode_to_file(), xode_to_prettystr(), xode_to_str(), and xode_wrap().

typedef struct xode_pool_struct * xode_pool

Referenced by _xode_pool_cleanup_append(), _xode_pool_free(), _xode_pool_heap(), _xode_pool_new(), _xode_pool_newheap(), jab_new(), jid_new(), jid_nodescan(), jwg_new(), jwg_server(), spools(), xode_dup_frompool(), xode_get_pool(), xode_new_frompool(), xode_pool_cleanup(), xode_pool_free(), xode_pool_heap(), xode_pool_malloc(), xode_pool_malloco(), xode_pool_mallocx(), xode_pool_new(), xode_pool_size(), xode_pool_strdup(), xode_pool_strdupx(), xode_spool_getpool(), xode_spool_newfrompool(), xode_spool_str(), xode_stream_new(), xode_strescape(), and xode_strunescape().

typedef void(* xode_pool_cleaner)(void *arg)

Definition at line 71 of file libxode.h.

typedef struct xode_spool_struct * xode_spool

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), jid_full(), spool_print(), spools(), xode_spool_add(), xode_spool_free(), xode_spool_getlen(), xode_spool_getpool(), xode_spool_new(), xode_spool_newfrompool(), xode_spool_str(), xode_spool_tostr(), xode_spooler(), and xode_to_prettystr().

typedef struct xode_stream_struct * xode_stream

Referenced by xode_stream_eat(), and xode_stream_new().

typedef void(* xode_stream_onNode)(int type, xode x, void *arg)

Definition at line 256 of file libxode.h.

Function Documentation

int ap_snprintf char *  ,
size_t  ,
const char *  ,

Definition at line 912 of file snprintf.c.

00913 {
00914     int cc;
00915     va_list ap;
00917     va_start(ap, format);
00918     strx_printv(&cc, buf, (len - 1), format, ap);
00919     va_end(ap);
00920     return (cc);
00921 }

int ap_vsnprintf char *  ,
size_t  ,
const char *  ,
va_list  ap

Definition at line 924 of file snprintf.c.

00925 {
00926     int cc;
00928     strx_printv(&cc, buf, (len - 1), format, ap);
00929     return (cc);
00930 }

int xode_cmp xode  a,
xode  b

Definition at line 661 of file xode.c.

References NULL, xode, xode_get_data(), xode_get_firstattrib(), xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_name(), xode_get_nextsibling(), xode_get_type(), XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB, XODE_TYPE_CDATA, and XODE_TYPE_TAG.

00662 {
00663     int ret = 0;
00665     while(1)
00666     {
00667         if(a == NULL && b == NULL)
00668             return 0;
00670         if(a == NULL || b == NULL)
00671             return -1;
00673         if(xode_get_type(a) != xode_get_type(b))
00674             return -1;
00676         switch(xode_get_type(a))
00677         {
00678         case XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB:
00679             ret = _xode_strcmp(xode_get_name(a), xode_get_name(b));
00680             if(ret != 0)
00681                 return -1;
00682             ret = _xode_strcmp(xode_get_data(a), xode_get_data(b));
00683             if(ret != 0)
00684                 return -1;
00685             break;
00686         case XODE_TYPE_TAG:
00687             ret = _xode_strcmp(xode_get_name(a), xode_get_name(b));
00688             if(ret != 0)
00689                 return -1;
00690             ret = xode_cmp(xode_get_firstattrib(a), xode_get_firstattrib(b));
00691             if(ret != 0)
00692                 return -1;
00693             ret = xode_cmp(xode_get_firstchild(a), xode_get_firstchild(b));
00694             if(ret != 0)
00695                 return -1;
00696             break;
00697         case XODE_TYPE_CDATA:
00698             ret = _xode_strcmp(xode_get_data(a), xode_get_data(b));
00699             if(ret != 0)
00700                 return -1;
00701         }
00702         a = xode_get_nextsibling(a);
00703         b = xode_get_nextsibling(b);
00704     }
00705 }

xode xode_dup xode  x  ) 

Definition at line 746 of file xode.c.

References xode, xode_get_firstattrib(), xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_name(), xode_has_attribs(), xode_has_children(), xode_insert_node(), and xode_new().

Referenced by list_agents(), list_contacts(), and list_contacts_bygroup().

00747 {
00748     xode x2;
00750     if(x == NULL)
00751         return NULL;
00753     x2 = xode_new(xode_get_name(x));
00755     if (xode_has_attribs(x))
00756         xode_insert_node(x2, xode_get_firstattrib(x));
00757     if (xode_has_children(x))
00758         xode_insert_node(x2, xode_get_firstchild(x));
00760     return x2;
00761 }

xode xode_dup_frompool xode_pool  p,
xode  x

Definition at line 763 of file xode.c.

References xode, xode_get_firstattrib(), xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_name(), xode_has_attribs(), xode_has_children(), xode_insert_node(), xode_new_frompool(), and xode_pool.

00764 {
00765     xode x2;
00767     if(x == NULL)
00768         return NULL;
00770     x2 = xode_new_frompool(p, xode_get_name(x));
00772     if (xode_has_attribs(x))
00773         xode_insert_node(x2, xode_get_firstattrib(x));
00774     if (xode_has_children(x))
00775         xode_insert_node(x2, xode_get_firstchild(x));
00777     return x2;
00778 }

void xode_free xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 792 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::p, xode, and xode_pool_free().

Referenced by check_live_jwgc(), fake_startup_packet(), jab_auth(), jab_on_state_handler(), jab_reg(), jab_start(), jctl_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), jwg_serverror(), jwg_servsuccess(), jwgc_change_presence_event_handler(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), main(), process_presence(), show_status(), xode_file(), xode_from_file(), xode_from_str(), and xode_str().

00793 {
00794     if(node == NULL)
00795         return;
00797     xode_pool_free(node->p);
00798 }

xode xode_from_file char *  file  ) 

Definition at line 109 of file xode_from.c.

References dprintf(), dXML, errno, getenv(), NULL, snprintf, XML_ErrorString(), XML_GetErrorCode(), XML_Parse(), XML_Parser, XML_ParserCreate(), XML_ParserFree(), XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), XML_SetElementHandler(), XML_SetUserData(), xode, and xode_free().

00110 {
00111     XML_Parser p;
00112     xode *x, node; /* pointer to an xmlnode */
00113     char buf[BUFSIZ];
00114     int done, fd, len;
00115     char _file[1000];
00117     if(NULL == file)
00118         return NULL;
00120     /* perform tilde expansion */
00121     if(*file == '~')
00122     {
00123         char *env = getenv("HOME");
00124         if(env != NULL)
00125             snprintf((char*)_file, 1000, "%s%s", env, file + 1);
00126         else
00127             snprintf((char*)_file, 1000, "%s", file);
00128     }
00129     else
00130     {
00131         snprintf((char*)_file, 1000, "%s", file);
00132     }
00134     fd = open((char*)_file,O_RDONLY);
00135     if(fd < 0) {
00136         dprintf(dXML, "unable to open file [%d]: %s\n", errno, _file);
00137         return NULL;
00138     }
00140     x = malloc(sizeof(void *));
00142     *x = NULL; /* pointer to NULL */
00143     p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
00144     XML_SetUserData(p, x);
00145     XML_SetElementHandler(p, _xode_expat_startElement, _xode_expat_endElement);
00146     XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(p, _xode_expat_charData);
00147     do{
00148         len = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZ);
00149         done = len < BUFSIZ;
00150         if(!XML_Parse(p, buf, len, done))
00151         {
00152             dprintf(dXML, "xmlnode_file_parseerror: %s",(char *)XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p)));
00153             xode_free(*x);
00154             *x = NULL;
00155             done = 1;
00156         }
00157     }while(!done);
00159     node = *x;
00160     XML_ParserFree(p);
00161     free(x);
00162     close(fd);
00163     return node; /* return the xmlnode x points to */
00164 }

xode xode_from_str char *  str,
int  len

Definition at line 79 of file xode_from.c.

References dprintf(), dXML, NULL, XML_ErrorString(), XML_GetErrorCode(), XML_Parse(), XML_Parser, XML_ParserCreate(), XML_ParserFree(), XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), XML_SetElementHandler(), XML_SetUserData(), xode, and xode_free().

00080 {
00081     XML_Parser p;
00082     xode *x, node; /* pointer to an xmlnode */
00084     if(NULL == str)
00085         return NULL;
00087     if(len == -1)
00088         len = strlen(str);
00090     x = malloc(sizeof(void *));
00092     *x = NULL; /* pointer to NULL */
00093     p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
00094     XML_SetUserData(p, x);
00095     XML_SetElementHandler(p, _xode_expat_startElement, _xode_expat_endElement);
00096     XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(p, _xode_expat_charData);
00097     if(!XML_Parse(p, str, len, 1))
00098     {
00099         dprintf(dXML, "xmlnode_str_error: %s",(char *)XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p)));
00100         xode_free(*x);
00101         *x = NULL;
00102     }
00103     node = *x;
00104     free(x);
00105     XML_ParserFree(p);
00106     return node; /* return the xmlnode x points to */
00107 }

char* xode_get_attrib xode  owner,
const char *  name

Definition at line 444 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::data, xode_struct::firstattrib, NULL, xode, and XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB.

Referenced by contact_status_change(), decode_notice(), display_field(), display_field_boolean(), display_field_fixed(), display_field_hidden(), display_field_list_single(), display_field_text_private(), display_field_text_single(), display_form(), display_form_results(), edit_field_boolean(), edit_field_list_single(), edit_field_text_single(), edit_form_entry(), find_contact_group(), find_jid_from_nickname(), find_list_id(), find_list_label(), find_match(), find_nickname_from_jid(), get_filled_form(), insert_into_agent_list(), insert_into_contact_list(), jab_on_packet_handler(), jabpacket_reset(), jabpacket_subtype(), jabutil_delay(), jabutil_priority(), jabutil_tofrom(), jctl_on_event_handler(), JFormHandler(), jid_nodescan(), jlocate_grouped_on_event_handler(), jlocate_standard_on_event_handler(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), process_choice(), process_iq_error(), process_iq_result(), process_iq_set(), process_presence(), remove_from_contact_list(), set_filled_form(), show_list_labels(), test_match(), update_contact_status(), update_group(), update_nickname(), and xode_get_tag().

00445 {
00446     xode attrib;
00448     if (owner != NULL && owner->firstattrib != NULL)
00449     {
00450         attrib = _xode_search(owner->firstattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00451         if (attrib != NULL)
00452             return (char*)attrib->data;
00453     }
00454     return NULL;
00455 }

char* xode_get_data xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 536 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::data, xode, xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_nextsibling(), and xode_get_type().

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), contact_status_change(), decode_notice(), display_nonform_field(), jab_on_packet_handler(), jabutil_priority(), jctl_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), jwrite_on_event_handler(), jwrite_ping_on_event_handler(), process_iq_result(), process_presence(), xode_cmp(), xode_get_tagdata(), and xode_insert_node().

00537 {
00538     xode cur;
00540     if(node == NULL) return NULL;
00542     if(xode_get_type(node) == XODE_TYPE_TAG) /* loop till we find a CDATA */
00543     {
00544         for(cur = xode_get_firstchild(node); cur != NULL; cur = xode_get_nextsibling(cur))
00545             if(xode_get_type(cur) == XODE_TYPE_CDATA)
00546                 return cur->data;
00547     }else{
00548         return node->data;
00549     }
00550     return NULL;
00551 }

int xode_get_datasz xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 553 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::data_sz, xode, xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_nextsibling(), and xode_get_type().

Referenced by xode_insert_node().

00554 {
00556     if( node == NULL )
00557     {
00558         return (int)NULL;           
00559     }       
00560     else if(xode_get_type(node) == XODE_TYPE_TAG) /* loop till we find a CDATA */
00561     {
00562         xode cur;       
00563         for(cur = xode_get_firstchild(node); cur != NULL; cur = xode_get_nextsibling(cur))
00564             if(xode_get_type(cur) == XODE_TYPE_CDATA)
00565                 return cur->data_sz;
00566     }else{
00567         return node->data_sz;
00568     }
00569     return (int)NULL;
00570 }

xode xode_get_firstattrib xode  parent  ) 

Definition at line 487 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstattrib, and xode.

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), xode_cmp(), xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00488 {
00489     if (parent != NULL)
00490         return parent->firstattrib;
00491     return NULL;
00492 }

xode xode_get_firstchild xode  parent  ) 

Definition at line 494 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstchild, and xode.

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), display_form(), display_form_results(), get_filled_form(), jabutil_iqresult(), jid_nodescan(), jlocate_grouped_on_event_handler(), jlocate_standard_on_event_handler(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), process_form_choice(), process_nonform_choice(), set_filled_form(), update_contact_status(), xode_cmp(), xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), xode_get_data(), xode_get_datasz(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00495 {
00496     if (parent != NULL)
00497         return parent->firstchild;
00498     return NULL;
00499 }

xode xode_get_lastchild xode  parent  ) 

Definition at line 501 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::lastchild, and xode.

00502 {
00503     if (parent != NULL)
00504         return parent->lastchild;
00505     return NULL;
00506 }

char* xode_get_name xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 529 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::name, and xode.

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), display_form(), display_nonform_field(), edit_nonform_entry(), jabpacket_reset(), jctl_on_event_handler(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwgpacket_reset(), jwrite_on_event_handler(), jwrite_ping_on_event_handler(), process_form_choice(), process_nonform_choice(), xode_cmp(), xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), xode_get_tag(), xode_insert_node(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00530 {
00531     if (node != NULL)
00532         return node->name;
00533     return NULL;
00534 }

xode xode_get_nextsibling xode  sibling  ) 

Definition at line 508 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::next, and xode.

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), display_form(), display_form_results(), find_contact_group(), find_list_id(), find_list_label(), get_filled_form(), jabutil_iqresult(), jid_nodescan(), jlocate_grouped_on_event_handler(), jlocate_standard_on_event_handler(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), process_form_choice(), process_iq_result(), process_nonform_choice(), set_filled_form(), show_list_labels(), update_contact_status(), xode_cmp(), xode_get_data(), xode_get_datasz(), xode_get_tag(), and xode_insert_node().

00509 {
00510     if (sibling != NULL)
00511         return sibling->next;
00512     return NULL;
00513 }

xode xode_get_parent xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 522 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::parent, and xode.

Referenced by expat_endElement().

00523 {
00524     if (node != NULL)
00525         return node->parent;
00526     return NULL;
00527 }

xode_pool xode_get_pool xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 595 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::p, xode, and xode_pool.

Referenced by jabpacket_new(), jabpacket_reset(), jwgpacket_new(), jwgpacket_reset(), xode2file(), xode_stream_eat(), xode_to_prettystr(), and xode_wrap().

00596 {
00597     if (node != NULL)
00598         return node->p;
00599     return (xode_pool)NULL;
00600 }

xode xode_get_prevsibling xode  sibling  ) 

Definition at line 515 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::prev, and xode.

00516 {
00517     if (sibling != NULL)
00518         return sibling->prev;
00519     return NULL;
00520 }

xode xode_get_tag xode  parent,
const char *  name

Definition at line 330 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstchild, NULL, xode, xode_get_attrib(), xode_get_name(), xode_get_nextsibling(), xode_get_type(), and XODE_TYPE_TAG.

Referenced by contact_status_change(), decode_notice(), display_form(), display_form_results(), find_contact_group(), find_list_id(), find_list_label(), insert_resource_into_contact(), jab_auth(), jab_on_packet_handler(), jab_reg(), jabpacket_reset(), jabutil_priority(), jctl_on_event_handler(), JDisplayForm(), JFormHandler(), jlocate_grouped_on_event_handler(), jlocate_standard_on_event_handler(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), process_choice(), process_iq_error(), process_iq_result(), process_iq_set(), process_presence(), set_filled_nonform(), show_list_labels(), update_contact_status(), and xode_get_tagdata().

00331 {
00332     char *str, *slash, *qmark, *equals;
00333     xode step, ret;
00335     if(parent == NULL || parent->firstchild == NULL || name == NULL || name == '\0') return NULL;
00337     if(strstr(name, "/") == NULL && strstr(name,"?") == NULL)
00338         return _xode_search(parent->firstchild, name, XODE_TYPE_TAG);
00340     /* jer's note: why can't I modify the name directly, why do I have to strdup it?  damn c grrr! */
00341     str = strdup(name);
00342     slash = strstr(str, "/");
00343     qmark = strstr(str, "?");
00344     equals = strstr(str, "=");
00346     if(qmark != NULL && (slash == NULL || qmark < slash))
00347     { /* of type ?attrib */
00349         *qmark = '\0';
00350         qmark++;
00351         if(equals != NULL)
00352         {
00353             *equals = '\0';
00354             equals++;
00355         }
00357         for(step = parent->firstchild; step != NULL; step = xode_get_nextsibling(step))
00358         {
00359             if(xode_get_type(step) != XODE_TYPE_TAG)
00360                 continue;
00362             if(*str != '\0')
00363                 if(_xode_strcmp(xode_get_name(step),str) != 0)
00364                     continue;
00366             if(xode_get_attrib(step,qmark) == NULL)
00367                 continue;
00369             if(equals != NULL && _xode_strcmp(xode_get_attrib(step,qmark),equals) != 0)
00370                 continue;
00372             break;
00373         }
00375         free(str);
00376         return step;
00377     }
00380     *slash = '\0';
00381     ++slash;
00383     for(step = parent->firstchild; step != NULL; step = xode_get_nextsibling(step))
00384     {
00385         if(xode_get_type(step) != XODE_TYPE_TAG) continue;
00387         if(_xode_strcmp(xode_get_name(step),str) != 0)
00388             continue;
00390         ret = xode_get_tag(step, slash);
00391         if(ret != NULL)
00392         {
00393             free(str);
00394             return ret;
00395         }
00396     }
00398     free(str);
00399     return NULL;
00400 }

char* xode_get_tagdata xode  parent,
const char *  name

Definition at line 404 of file xode.c.

References xode, xode_get_data(), and xode_get_tag().

Referenced by display_field_boolean(), display_field_fixed(), display_field_hidden(), display_field_list_single(), display_field_text_private(), display_field_text_single(), display_form(), display_form_results(), edit_field_boolean(), edit_field_list_single(), edit_field_text_single(), find_list_id(), find_list_label(), get_filled_form(), get_filled_nonform(), jstat_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), process_iq_error(), process_iq_result(), process_presence(), and show_list_labels().

00405 {
00406     xode tag;
00408     tag = xode_get_tag(parent, name);
00409     if(tag == NULL) return NULL;
00411     return xode_get_data(tag);
00412 }

int xode_get_type xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 572 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::type, and xode.

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), jid_nodescan(), xode_cmp(), xode_get_data(), xode_get_datasz(), xode_get_tag(), and xode_insert_node().

00573 {
00574     if (node != NULL)
00575     {
00576         return node->type;
00577     }
00578     return (int)NULL;
00579 }

void* xode_get_vattrib xode  owner,
const char *  name

Definition at line 474 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstattrib, xode_struct::firstchild, NULL, xode, and XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB.

00475 {
00476     xode attrib;
00478     if (owner != NULL && owner->firstattrib != NULL)
00479     {
00480         attrib = _xode_search(owner->firstattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00481         if (attrib != NULL)
00482             return (void*)attrib->firstchild;
00483     }
00484     return NULL;
00485 }

int xode_has_attribs xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 588 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstattrib, and xode.

Referenced by xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00589 {
00590     if ((node != NULL) && (node->firstattrib != NULL))
00591         return 1;
00592     return 0;
00593 }

int xode_has_children xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 581 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstchild, and xode.

Referenced by list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00582 {
00583     if ((node != NULL) && (node->firstchild != NULL))
00584         return 1;
00585     return 0;
00586 }

void xode_hide xode  child  ) 

Definition at line 602 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstchild, xode_struct::lastchild, xode_struct::next, NULL, xode_struct::parent, xode_struct::prev, and xode.

Referenced by jabutil_iqresult(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), set_filled_form(), and set_filled_nonform().

00603 {
00604     xode parent;
00606     if(child == NULL || child->parent == NULL)
00607         return;
00609     parent = child->parent;
00611     /* first fix up at the child level */
00612     _xode_hidesibling(child);
00614     /* next fix up at the parent level */
00615     if(parent->firstchild == child)
00616         parent->firstchild = child->next;
00617     if(parent->lastchild == child)
00618         parent->lastchild = child->prev;
00619 }

void xode_hide_attrib xode  parent,
const char *  name

Definition at line 621 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstattrib, xode_struct::lastattrib, xode_struct::next, NULL, xode_struct::prev, xode, and XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB.

Referenced by list_contacts_bygroup(), and update_contact_status().

00622 {
00623     xode attrib;
00625     if(parent == NULL || parent->firstattrib == NULL || name == NULL)
00626         return;
00628     attrib = _xode_search(parent->firstattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00629     if(attrib == NULL)
00630         return;
00632     /* first fix up at the child level */
00633     _xode_hidesibling(attrib);
00635     /* next fix up at the parent level */
00636     if(parent->firstattrib == attrib)
00637         parent->firstattrib = attrib->next;
00638     if(parent->lastattrib == attrib)
00639         parent->lastattrib = attrib->prev;
00640 }

xode xode_insert_cdata xode  parent,
const char *  CDATA,
unsigned int  size

Definition at line 283 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::data, xode_struct::data_sz, xode_struct::lastchild, NULL, xode_struct::p, xode_struct::type, xode, xode_pool_malloc(), and XODE_TYPE_CDATA.

Referenced by display_form_results(), expat_charData(), jab_auth(), jab_on_state_handler(), jab_reg(), jabutil_delay(), jabutil_error(), jabutil_msgnew(), jabutil_presnew(), jwg_on_event_handler(), jwg_serverror(), jwg_servsuccess(), jwgc_change_presence_event_handler(), main(), set_filled_form(), set_filled_nonform(), show_status(), xode_insert_node(), and xode_stream_eat().

00284 {
00285     xode result;
00287     if(CDATA == NULL || parent == NULL)
00288         return NULL;
00290     if(size == -1)
00291         size = strlen(CDATA);
00293     if ((parent->lastchild != NULL) && (parent->lastchild->type == XODE_TYPE_CDATA))
00294     {
00295         result = parent->lastchild;
00296         result->data = _xode_merge(result->p, result->data, result->data_sz, CDATA, size);
00297         result->data_sz = result->data_sz + size;
00298     }
00299     else
00300     {
00301         result = _xode_insert(parent, "", XODE_TYPE_CDATA);
00302         if (result != NULL)
00303         {
00304             result->data = (char*)xode_pool_malloc(result->p, size + 1);
00305             memcpy(result->data, CDATA, size);
00306             result->data[size] = '\0';
00307             result->data_sz = size;
00308         }
00309     }
00311     return result;
00312 }

void xode_insert_node xode  parent,
xode  node

Definition at line 722 of file xode.c.

References NULL, xode, xode_get_data(), xode_get_datasz(), xode_get_name(), xode_get_nextsibling(), xode_get_type(), xode_insert_cdata(), xode_insert_tagnode(), xode_put_attrib(), XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB, XODE_TYPE_CDATA, and XODE_TYPE_TAG.

Referenced by jctl_on_event_handler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), list_agents(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), xode_dup(), xode_dup_frompool(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00723 {
00724     if(node == NULL || parent == NULL)
00725         return;
00727     while(node != NULL)
00728     {
00729         switch(xode_get_type(node))
00730         {
00731         case XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB:
00732             xode_put_attrib(parent, xode_get_name(node), xode_get_data(node));
00733             break;
00734         case XODE_TYPE_TAG:
00735             xode_insert_tagnode(parent, node);
00736             break;
00737         case XODE_TYPE_CDATA:
00738             xode_insert_cdata(parent, xode_get_data(node), xode_get_datasz(node));
00739         }
00740         node = xode_get_nextsibling(node);
00741     }
00742 }

xode xode_insert_tag xode  parent,
const char *  name

Definition at line 262 of file xode.c.

References xode, and XODE_TYPE_TAG.

Referenced by display_form_results(), expat_startElement(), insert_into_agent_list(), insert_into_contact_list(), insert_resource_into_contact(), jab_auth(), jab_on_state_handler(), jab_reg(), jabutil_delay(), jabutil_error(), jabutil_iqnew(), jabutil_msgnew(), jabutil_pingnew(), jabutil_presnew(), JFormHandler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), jwgc_change_presence_event_handler(), list_agents(), list_contacts_bygroup(), main(), set_filled_form(), set_filled_nonform(), show_status(), and xode_insert_tagnode().

00263 {
00264     return _xode_insert(parent, name, XODE_TYPE_TAG);
00265 }

xode xode_insert_tagnode xode  parent,
xode  node

Definition at line 708 of file xode.c.

References xode, xode_get_firstattrib(), xode_get_firstchild(), xode_get_name(), xode_has_attribs(), xode_has_children(), xode_insert_node(), and xode_insert_tag().

Referenced by xode_insert_node().

00709 {
00710     xode child;
00712     child = xode_insert_tag(parent, xode_get_name(node));
00713     if (xode_has_attribs(node))
00714         xode_insert_node(child, xode_get_firstattrib(node));
00715     if (xode_has_children(node))
00716         xode_insert_node(child, xode_get_firstchild(node));
00718     return child;
00719 }

xode xode_new const char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 228 of file xode.c.

References NULL, xode, and XODE_TYPE_TAG.

Referenced by check_live_jwgc(), display_form_results(), expat_startElement(), insert_into_agent_list(), insert_into_contact_list(), jabutil_header(), jabutil_iqnew(), jabutil_msgnew(), jabutil_pingnew(), jabutil_presnew(), jctl_on_event_handler(), JFormHandler(), jwg_on_event_handler(), jwg_serverror(), jwg_servsuccess(), list_contacts(), list_contacts_bygroup(), main(), show_status(), xode_dup(), and xode_stream_eat().

00229 {
00230     return _xode_new(NULL, name, XODE_TYPE_TAG);
00231 }

xode xode_new_frompool xode_pool  p,
const char *  name

Definition at line 245 of file xode.c.

References xode, xode_pool, and XODE_TYPE_TAG.

Referenced by jid_xres(), xode_dup_frompool(), and xode_wrap().

00246 {
00247     return _xode_new(p, name, XODE_TYPE_TAG);
00248 }

void xode_pool_cleanup xode_pool  p,
xode_pool_cleaner  f,
void *  arg

Definition at line 232 of file pool.c.

References _xode_pool_free(), xode_pool_struct::cleanup, xode_pool_free::next, and xode_pool.

Referenced by xode_stream_new().

00233 {
00234     struct xode_pool_free *clean;
00236     clean = _xode_pool_free(p, f, arg);
00237     clean->next = p->cleanup;
00238     p->cleanup = clean;
00239 }

void xode_pool_free xode_pool  p  ) 

Definition at line 213 of file pool.c.

References _xode_pool__free, xode_pool_free::arg, xode_pool_struct::cleanup, xode_pool_free::f, xode_pool_free::next, and xode_pool.

Referenced by jab_delete(), jid_nodescan(), jwg_delete(), xode_free(), and xode_spool_free().

00214 {
00215     struct xode_pool_free *cur, *stub;
00217     if(p == NULL) return;
00219     cur = p->cleanup;
00220     while(cur != NULL)
00221     {
00222         (*cur->f)(cur->arg);
00223         stub = cur->next;
00224         _xode_pool__free(cur);
00225         cur = stub;
00226     }
00228     _xode_pool__free(p);
00229 }

xode_pool xode_pool_heap int  bytes  ) 

Definition at line 246 of file pool.c.

References _xode_pool_newheap(), and xode_pool.

Referenced by xode_spool_new().

00247 {
00248     return _xode_pool_newheap(bytes);
00249 }

void* xode_pool_malloc xode_pool  p,
int  size

Definition at line 137 of file pool.c.

References _xode_pool__free, _xode_pool__malloc, _xode_pool_cleanup_append(), _xode_pool_free(), _xode_pool_heap(), xode_pool_heap::block, xode_pool_struct::heap, NULL, xode_pool_heap::size, xode_pool_struct::size, xode_pool_heap::used, and xode_pool.

Referenced by jab_auth(), jabpacket_new(), jwgpacket_new(), spool_print(), xode_insert_cdata(), xode_pool_malloco(), xode_pool_mallocx(), xode_pool_strdup(), xode_spool_add(), xode_spool_newfrompool(), xode_spool_tostr(), xode_strescape(), and xode_strunescape().

00138 {
00139     void *block;
00141     if(p == NULL)
00142     {
00143         fprintf(stderr,"Memory Leak! xode_pmalloc received NULL pool, unable to track allocation, exiting]\n");
00144         abort();
00145     }
00147     /* if there is no heap for this pool or it's a big request, just raw, I like how we clean this :) */
00148     if(p->heap == NULL || size > (p->heap->size / 2))
00149     {
00150         while((block = _xode_pool__malloc(size)) == NULL) sleep(1);
00151         p->size += size;
00152         _xode_pool_cleanup_append(p, _xode_pool_free(p, _xode_pool__free, block));
00153         return block;
00154     }
00156     /* we have to preserve boundaries, long story :) */
00157     if(size >= 4)
00158         while(p->heap->used&7) p->heap->used++;
00160     /* if we don't fit in the old heap, replace it */
00161     if(size > (p->heap->size - p->heap->used))
00162         p->heap = _xode_pool_heap(p, p->heap->size);
00164     /* the current heap has room */
00165     block = (char *)p->heap->block + p->heap->used;
00166     p->heap->used += size;
00167     return block;
00168 }

void* xode_pool_malloco xode_pool  p,
int  size

Definition at line 179 of file pool.c.

References xode_pool, and xode_pool_malloc().

Referenced by jid_new(), jid_user(), and xode_stream_new().

00180 {
00181     void *block = xode_pool_malloc(p, size);
00182     memset(block, 0, size);
00183     return block;
00184 }  

void* xode_pool_mallocx xode_pool  p,
int  size,
char  c

Definition at line 170 of file pool.c.

References xode_pool, and xode_pool_malloc().

Referenced by jab_new(), jwg_new(), and jwg_server().

00171 {
00172    void* result = xode_pool_malloc(p, size);
00173    if (result != NULL)
00174            memset(result, c, size);
00175    return result;
00176 }  

xode_pool xode_pool_new void   ) 

Definition at line 241 of file pool.c.

References _xode_pool_new(), and xode_pool.

Referenced by jab_new(), jid_nodescan(), jwg_new(), and jwg_server().

00242 {
00243     return _xode_pool_new();
00244 }

int xode_pool_size xode_pool  p  ) 

Definition at line 206 of file pool.c.

References xode_pool_struct::size, and xode_pool.

Referenced by xode_stream_eat().

00207 {
00208     if(p == NULL) return 0;
00210     return p->size;
00211 }

char* xode_pool_strdup xode_pool  p,
const char *  src

Definition at line 187 of file pool.c.

References xode_pool, and xode_pool_malloc().

Referenced by jab_new(), jid_new(), jid_set(), jid_xres(), xode_pool_strdupx(), xode_put_attrib(), and xode_spool_add().

00188 {
00189     char *ret;
00191     if(src == NULL)
00192         return NULL;
00194     ret = xode_pool_malloc(p,strlen(src) + 1);
00195     strcpy(ret,src);
00197     return ret;
00198 }

void xode_put_attrib xode  owner,
const char *  name,
const char *  value

Definition at line 415 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::data, xode_struct::data_sz, xode_struct::firstattrib, xode_struct::lastattrib, NULL, xode_struct::p, xode, xode_pool_strdup(), and XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB.

Referenced by insert_into_agent_list(), insert_into_contact_list(), insert_resource_into_contact(), jab_auth(), jab_reg(), jabutil_delay(), jabutil_error(), jabutil_header(), jabutil_iqnew(), jabutil_iqresult(), jabutil_msgnew(), jabutil_pingnew(), jabutil_presnew(), jabutil_tofrom(), jctl_on_event_handler(), JFormHandler(), jid_xres(), jwg_on_event_handler(), list_contacts_bygroup(), main(), set_filled_form(), update_contact_status(), update_group(), update_nickname(), xode_insert_node(), xode_put_expat_attribs(), and xode_put_vattrib().

00416 {
00417     xode attrib;
00419     if(owner == NULL || name == NULL || value == NULL) return;
00421     /* If there are no existing attributs, allocate a new one to start
00422     the list */
00423     if (owner->firstattrib == NULL)
00424     {
00425         attrib = _xode_new(owner->p, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00426         owner->firstattrib = attrib;
00427         owner->lastattrib  = attrib;
00428     }
00429     else
00430     {
00431         attrib = _xode_search(owner->firstattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00432         if(attrib == NULL)
00433         {
00434             attrib = _xode_appendsibling(owner->lastattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00435             owner->lastattrib = attrib;
00436         }
00437     }
00438     /* Update the value of the attribute */
00439     attrib->data_sz = strlen(value);
00440     attrib->data    = xode_pool_strdup(owner->p, value);
00442 }

void xode_put_vattrib xode  owner,
const char *  name,
void *  value

Definition at line 457 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstattrib, xode_struct::firstchild, xode, xode_put_attrib(), and XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB.

00458 {
00459     xode attrib;
00461     if (owner != NULL)
00462     {
00463         attrib = _xode_search(owner->firstattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00464         if (attrib == NULL)
00465         {
00466             xode_put_attrib(owner, name, "");
00467             attrib = _xode_search(owner->firstattrib, name, XODE_TYPE_ATTRIB);
00468         }
00469         if (attrib != NULL)
00470             attrib->firstchild = (xode)value;
00471     }
00472 }

void xode_spool_add xode_spool  s,
char *  str

Definition at line 60 of file str.c.

References xode_spool_node::c, xode_spool_struct::first, xode_spool_struct::last, xode_spool_struct::len, xode_spool_node::next, xode_spool_struct::p, xode_pool_malloc(), xode_pool_strdup(), and xode_spool.

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), jid_full(), spools(), xode_spool_str(), and xode_spooler().

00061 {
00062     struct xode_spool_node *sn;
00063     int len;
00065     if(str == NULL)
00066         return;
00068     len = strlen(str);
00069     if(len == 0)
00070         return;
00072     sn = xode_pool_malloc(s->p, sizeof(struct xode_spool_node));
00073     sn->c = xode_pool_strdup(s->p, str);
00074     sn->next = NULL;
00076     s->len += len;
00077     if(s->last != NULL)
00078         s->last->next = sn;
00079     s->last = sn;
00080     if(s->first == NULL)
00081         s->first = sn;
00082 }

void xode_spool_free xode_spool  s  ) 

Definition at line 38 of file str.c.

References xode_pool_free(), xode_spool, and xode_spool_getpool().

00039 {
00040     xode_pool_free(xode_spool_getpool(s));
00041 }

int xode_spool_getlen const xode_spool  s  ) 

Definition at line 30 of file str.c.

References xode_spool_struct::len, and xode_spool.

00031 {
00032     if(s == NULL)
00033         return 0;
00035     return s->len;    
00036 }

xode_pool xode_spool_getpool const xode_spool  s  ) 

Definition at line 22 of file str.c.

References xode_spool_struct::p, xode_pool, and xode_spool.

Referenced by xode_spool_free().

00023 {
00024     if(s == NULL)
00025         return NULL;
00027     return s->p;
00028 }

xode_spool xode_spool_new void   ) 

Definition at line 55 of file str.c.

References xode_pool_heap(), xode_spool, and xode_spool_newfrompool().

00056 {
00057     return xode_spool_newfrompool(xode_pool_heap(512));
00058 }

xode_spool xode_spool_newfrompool xode_pool  p  ) 

Definition at line 43 of file str.c.

References xode_spool_struct::first, xode_spool_struct::last, xode_spool_struct::len, xode_spool_struct::p, xode_pool, xode_pool_malloc(), and xode_spool.

Referenced by jid_full(), spools(), xode_spool_new(), xode_spool_str(), and xode_to_prettystr().

00044 {
00045     xode_spool s;
00047     s = xode_pool_malloc(p, sizeof(struct xode_spool_struct));
00048     s->p = p;
00049     s->len = 0;
00050     s->last = NULL;
00051     s->first = NULL;
00052     return s;
00053 }

char* xode_spool_str xode_pool  p,

Definition at line 130 of file str.c.

References xode_pool, xode_spool, xode_spool_add(), xode_spool_newfrompool(), and xode_spool_tostr().

00131 {
00132     va_list ap;
00133     xode_spool s;
00134     char *arg = NULL;
00136     if(p == NULL)
00137         return NULL;
00139     s = xode_spool_newfrompool(p);
00141     va_start(ap, p);
00143     /* loop till we hit our end flag, the first arg */
00144     while(1)
00145     {
00146         arg = va_arg(ap,char *);
00147         if((int)arg == (int)p)
00148             break;
00149         else
00150             xode_spool_add(s, arg);
00151     }
00153     va_end(ap);
00155     return xode_spool_tostr(s);
00156 }

char* xode_spool_tostr xode_spool  s  ) 

Definition at line 107 of file str.c.

References xode_spool_node::c, xode_spool_struct::first, xode_spool_struct::len, xode_spool_node::next, NULL, xode_spool_struct::p, xode_pool_malloc(), and xode_spool.

Referenced by jid_full(), xode_spool_str(), xode_to_prettystr(), and xode_to_str().

00108 {
00109     char *ret,*tmp;
00110     struct xode_spool_node *next;
00112     if(s == NULL || s->len == 0 || s->first == NULL)
00113         return NULL;
00115     ret = xode_pool_malloc(s->p, s->len + 1);
00116     *ret = '\0';
00118     next = s->first;
00119     tmp = ret;
00120     while(next != NULL)
00121     {
00122         tmp = strcat(tmp,next->c);
00123         next = next->next;
00124     }
00126     return ret;
00127 }

void xode_spooler xode_spool  s,

Definition at line 84 of file str.c.

References xode_spool, and xode_spool_add().

Referenced by _xode_to_prettystr(), and jid_full().

00085 {
00086     va_list ap;
00087     char *arg = NULL;
00089     if(s == NULL)
00090         return;
00092     va_start(ap, s);
00094     /* loop till we hit our end flag, the first arg */
00095     while(1)
00096     {
00097         arg = va_arg(ap,char *);
00098         if((int)arg == (int)s || arg == NULL)
00099             break;
00100         else
00101             xode_spool_add(s, arg);
00102     }
00104     va_end(ap);
00105 }

int xode_stream_eat xode_stream  xs,
char *  buff,
int  len

Definition at line 144 of file xstream.c.

References xode_stream_struct::arg, xode_stream_struct::cdata_len, xode_stream_struct::f, xode_stream_struct::node, xode_stream_struct::parser, xode_stream_struct::status, XML_ErrorString(), XML_GetErrorCode(), XML_Parse(), xode, xode_get_pool(), xode_insert_cdata(), xode_new(), xode_pool_size(), xode_stream, and XODE_STREAM_MAXNODE.

00145 {
00146     char *err;
00147     xode xerr;
00148     static char maxerr[] = "maximum node size reached";
00149     static char deeperr[] = "maximum node depth reached";
00151     if(xs == NULL)
00152     {
00153         fprintf(stderr,"Fatal Programming Error: xode_streameat() was improperly called with NULL.\n");
00154         return XODE_STREAM_ERROR;
00155     }
00157     if(len == 0 || buff == NULL)
00158         return xs->status;
00160     if(len == -1) /* easy for hand-fed eat calls */
00161         len = strlen(buff);
00163     if(!XML_Parse(xs->parser, buff, len, 0))
00164     {
00165         err = (char *)XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(xs->parser));
00166         xs->status = XODE_STREAM_ERROR;
00167     }else if(xode_pool_size(xode_get_pool(xs->node)) > XODE_STREAM_MAXNODE || xs->cdata_len > XODE_STREAM_MAXNODE){
00168         err = maxerr;
00169         xs->status = XODE_STREAM_ERROR;
00170     }else if(xs->status == XODE_STREAM_ERROR){ /* set within expat handlers */
00171         err = deeperr;
00172     }
00174     /* fire parsing error event, make a node containing the error string */
00175     if(xs->status == XODE_STREAM_ERROR)
00176     {
00177         xerr = xode_new("error");
00178         xode_insert_cdata(xerr,err,-1);
00179         (xs->f)(XODE_STREAM_ERROR, xerr, xs->arg);
00180     }
00182     return xs->status;
00183 }

xode_stream xode_stream_new xode_pool  p,
xode_stream_onNode  f,
void *  arg

Definition at line 118 of file xstream.c.

References _xode_stream, xode_stream_struct::arg, xode_stream_struct::f, NULL, xode_stream_struct::p, xode_stream_struct::parser, XML_ParserCreate(), XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), XML_SetElementHandler(), XML_SetUserData(), xode_pool, xode_pool_cleanup(), xode_pool_malloco(), and xode_stream.

00119 {
00120     xode_stream newx;
00122     if(p == NULL || f == NULL)
00123     {
00124         fprintf(stderr,"Fatal Programming Error: xode_streamnew() was improperly called with NULL.\n");
00125         return NULL;
00126     }
00128     newx = xode_pool_malloco(p, sizeof(_xode_stream));
00129     newx->p = p;
00130     newx->f = f;
00131     newx->arg = arg;
00133     /* create expat parser and ensure cleanup */
00134     newx->parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
00135     XML_SetUserData(newx->parser, (void *)newx);
00136     XML_SetElementHandler(newx->parser, (void *)_xode_stream_startElement, (void *)_xode_stream_endElement);
00137     XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(newx->parser, (void *)_xode_stream_charData);
00138     xode_pool_cleanup(p, _xode_stream_cleanup, (void *)newx);
00140     return newx;
00141 }

char* xode_strescape xode_pool  p,
char *  buf

Definition at line 203 of file str.c.

References NULL, xode_pool, and xode_pool_malloc().

00204 {
00205     int i,j,oldlen,newlen;
00206     char *temp;
00208     if (p == NULL || buf == NULL) return(NULL);
00210     oldlen = newlen = strlen(buf);
00211     for(i=0;i<oldlen;i++)
00212     {
00213         switch(buf[i])
00214         {
00215         case '&':
00216             newlen+=5;
00217             break;
00218         case '\'':
00219             newlen+=6;
00220             break;
00221         case '\"':
00222             newlen+=6;
00223             break;
00224         case '<':
00225             newlen+=4;
00226             break;
00227         case '>':
00228             newlen+=4;
00229             break;
00230         }
00231     }
00233     if(oldlen == newlen) return buf;
00235     temp = xode_pool_malloc(p,newlen+1);
00237     if (temp==NULL) return(NULL);
00239     for(i=j=0;i<oldlen;i++)
00240     {
00241         switch(buf[i])
00242         {
00243         case '&':
00244             memcpy(&temp[j],"&amp;",5);
00245             j += 5;
00246             break;
00247         case '\'':
00248             memcpy(&temp[j],"&apos;",6);
00249             j += 6;
00250             break;
00251         case '\"':
00252             memcpy(&temp[j],"&quot;",6);
00253             j += 6;
00254             break;
00255         case '<':
00256             memcpy(&temp[j],"&lt;",4);
00257             j += 4;
00258             break;
00259         case '>':
00260             memcpy(&temp[j],"&gt;",4);
00261             j += 4;
00262             break;
00263         default:
00264             temp[j++] = buf[i];
00265         }
00266     }
00267     temp[j] = '\0';
00268     return temp;
00269 }

char* xode_strunescape xode_pool  p,
char *  buf

Definition at line 159 of file str.c.

References NULL, xode_pool, and xode_pool_malloc().

00160 {
00161     int i,j=0;
00162     char *temp;
00164     if (p == NULL || buf == NULL) return(NULL);
00166     if (strchr(buf,'&') == NULL) return(buf);
00168     temp = xode_pool_malloc(p,strlen(buf)+1);
00170     if (temp == NULL) return(NULL);
00172     for(i=0;i<strlen(buf);i++)
00173     {
00174         if (buf[i]=='&')
00175         {
00176             if (strncmp(&buf[i],"&amp;",5)==0)
00177             {
00178                 temp[j] = '&';
00179                 i += 4;
00180             } else if (strncmp(&buf[i],"&quot;",6)==0) {
00181                 temp[j] = '\"';
00182                 i += 5;
00183             } else if (strncmp(&buf[i],"&apos;",6)==0) {
00184                 temp[j] = '\'';
00185                 i += 5;
00186             } else if (strncmp(&buf[i],"&lt;",4)==0) {
00187                 temp[j] = '<';
00188                 i += 3;
00189             } else if (strncmp(&buf[i],"&gt;",4)==0) {
00190                 temp[j] = '>';
00191                 i += 3;
00192             }
00193         } else {
00194             temp[j]=buf[i];
00195         }
00196         j++;
00197     }
00198     temp[j]='\0';
00199     return(temp);
00200 }

int xode_to_file char *  file,
xode  node

Definition at line 166 of file xode_from.c.

References getenv(), NULL, snprintf, xode, and xode_to_str().

00167 {
00168     char *doc;
00169     int fd, i;
00170     char _file[1000];
00172     if(file == NULL || node == NULL)
00173         return -1;
00175     /* perform tilde expansion */
00176     if(*file == '~')
00177     {
00178         char *env = getenv("HOME");
00179         if(env != NULL)
00180             snprintf((char*)_file, 1000, "%s%s", env, file + 1);
00181         else
00182             snprintf((char*)_file, 1000, "%s", file);
00183     }
00184     else
00185     {
00186         snprintf((char*)_file, 1000, "%s", file);
00187     }
00189     fd = open((char*)&_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);
00190     if(fd < 0)
00191         return -1;
00193     doc = xode_to_str(node);
00194     i = write(fd,doc,strlen(doc));
00195     if(i < 0)
00196         return -1;
00198     close(fd);
00199     return 1;
00200 }

char* xode_to_prettystr xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 844 of file xode.c.

References _xode_to_prettystr(), xode, xode_get_pool(), xode_spool, xode_spool_newfrompool(), and xode_spool_tostr().

Referenced by decode_notice(), display_nonform_results(), jctl_on_event_handler(), list_contacts(), and list_contacts_bygroup().

00845 {
00846         xode_spool s;
00848         if( !x) return NULL;
00850         s = xode_spool_newfrompool( xode_get_pool(x));
00852         _xode_to_prettystr( s , x, 0 );
00854         return xode_spool_tostr(s);
00855 }

char* xode_to_str xode  node  ) 

Definition at line 654 of file xode.c.

References xode, and xode_spool_tostr().

Referenced by jab_on_packet_handler(), jab_send(), jab_start(), jwg_send(), jwg_servsend(), xode2file(), and xode_to_file().

00655 {
00656      return xode_spool_tostr(_xode_tospool(node));
00657 }

xode xode_wrap xode  x,
const char *  wrapper

Definition at line 780 of file xode.c.

References xode_struct::firstchild, xode_struct::lastchild, NULL, xode_struct::parent, xode, xode_get_pool(), and xode_new_frompool().

00781 {
00782     xode wrap;
00783     if(x==NULL||wrapper==NULL) return NULL;
00784     wrap=xode_new_frompool(xode_get_pool(x),wrapper);
00785     if(wrap==NULL) return NULL;
00786     wrap->firstchild=x;
00787     wrap->lastchild=x;
00788     x->parent=wrap;
00789     return wrap;
00790 }

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