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JExpat.c File Reference

#include "libjwgc.h"
#include "libxode.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void expat_startElement (void *userdata, const char *name, const char **atts)
void expat_endElement (void *userdata, const char *name)
void expat_charData (void *userdata, const char *s, int len)
xode xode_str (char *str, int len)
xode xode_file (char *file)
char * xode_file_borked (char *file)
int xode2file (char *file, xode node)
void xode_put_expat_attribs (xode owner, const char **atts)

Function Documentation

void expat_charData void *  userdata,
const char *  s,
int  len

Definition at line 81 of file JExpat.c.

References xode, and xode_insert_cdata().

Referenced by xode_file(), and xode_str().

00082 {
00083         xode *x = userdata;
00084         xode current = *x;
00086         xode_insert_cdata(current, s, len);
00087 }

void expat_endElement void *  userdata,
const char *  name

Definition at line 67 of file JExpat.c.

References xode_struct::complete, xode, and xode_get_parent().

Referenced by xode_file(), and xode_str().

00068 {
00069         xode *x = userdata;
00070         xode current = *x;
00072         current->complete = 1;
00073         current = xode_get_parent(current);
00075         /* if it's NULL we've hit the top folks, otherwise back up a level */
00076         if (current != NULL)
00077                 *x = current;
00078 }

void expat_startElement void *  userdata,
const char *  name,
const char **  atts

Definition at line 48 of file JExpat.c.

References atts, xode, xode_insert_tag(), xode_new(), and xode_put_expat_attribs().

Referenced by xode_file(), and xode_str().

00049 {
00050         /* get the xode pointed to by the userdata */
00051         xode *x = userdata;
00052         xode current = *x;
00054         if (current == NULL) {
00055                 /* allocate a base node */
00056                 current = xode_new(name);
00057                 xode_put_expat_attribs(current, atts);
00058                 *x = current;
00059         }
00060         else {
00061                 *x = xode_insert_tag(current, name);
00062                 xode_put_expat_attribs(*x, atts);
00063         }
00064 }

int xode2file char *  file,
xode  node

Definition at line 192 of file JExpat.c.

References NULL, spools(), xode, xode_get_pool(), and xode_to_str().

00193 {
00194         char *doc, *ftmp;
00195         int fd, i;
00197         if (file == NULL || node == NULL)
00198                 return -1;
00200         ftmp = spools(xode_get_pool(node), file, ".t.m.p", xode_get_pool(node));
00201         fd = open(ftmp, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);
00202         if (fd < 0)
00203                 return -1;
00205         doc = xode_to_str(node);
00206         i = write(fd, doc, strlen(doc));
00207         if (i < 0)
00208                 return -1;
00210         close(fd);
00212         if (rename(ftmp, file) < 0) {
00213                 unlink(ftmp);
00214                 return -1;
00215         }
00216         return 1;
00217 }

xode xode_file char *  file  ) 

Definition at line 121 of file JExpat.c.

References expat_charData(), expat_endElement(), expat_startElement(), NULL, XML_Parse(), XML_Parser, XML_ParserCreate(), XML_ParserFree(), XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), XML_SetElementHandler(), XML_SetUserData(), xode, and xode_free().

00122 {
00123         XML_Parser p;
00124         xode *x, node;          /* pointer to an xode */
00125         char buf[BUFSIZ];
00126         int done, fd, len;
00128         if (NULL == file)
00129                 return NULL;
00131         fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
00132         if (fd < 0)
00133                 return NULL;
00135         x = malloc(sizeof(void *));
00137         *x = NULL;              /* pointer to NULL */
00138         p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
00139         XML_SetUserData(p, x);
00140         XML_SetElementHandler(p, expat_startElement, expat_endElement);
00141         XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(p, expat_charData);
00142         do {
00143                 len = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZ);
00144                 done = len < BUFSIZ;
00145                 if (!XML_Parse(p, buf, len, done)) {
00146                         /*
00147                          * jdebug(ZONE,"xode_file_parseerror: %s",(char
00148                          * *)XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p)));
00149                          */
00150                         xode_free(*x);
00151                         *x = NULL;
00152                         done = 1;
00153                 }
00154         } while (!done);
00156         node = *x;
00157         XML_ParserFree(p);
00158         free(x);
00159         close(fd);
00160         return node;            /* return the xode x points to */
00161 }

char* xode_file_borked char *  file  ) 

Definition at line 164 of file JExpat.c.

References NULL, snprintf, XML_ErrorString(), XML_GetErrorCode(), XML_GetErrorColumnNumber, XML_GetErrorLineNumber, XML_Parse(), XML_Parser, XML_ParserCreate(), and XML_ParserFree().

00165 {
00166         XML_Parser p;
00167         char buf[BUFSIZ];
00168         static char err[1024];
00169         int fd, len, done;
00171         if (NULL == file)
00172                 return "no file specified";
00174         fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
00175         if (fd < 0)
00176                 return "unable to open file";
00178         p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
00179         while (1) {
00180                 len = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZ);
00181                 done = len < BUFSIZ;
00182                 if (!XML_Parse(p, buf, len, done)) {
00183                         snprintf(err, 1023, "%s at line %d and column %d", XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p)), XML_GetErrorLineNumber(p), XML_GetErrorColumnNumber(p));
00184                         XML_ParserFree(p);
00185                         close(fd);
00186                         return err;
00187                 }
00188         }
00189 }

void xode_put_expat_attribs xode  owner,
const char **  atts

Definition at line 220 of file JExpat.c.

References atts, xode, and xode_put_attrib().

Referenced by expat_startElement().

00221 {
00222         int i = 0;
00223         if (atts == NULL)
00224                 return;
00225         while (atts[i] != '\0') {
00226                 xode_put_attrib(owner, atts[i], atts[i + 1]);
00227                 i += 2;
00228         }
00229 }

xode xode_str char *  str,
int  len

Definition at line 91 of file JExpat.c.

References expat_charData(), expat_endElement(), expat_startElement(), NULL, XML_Parse(), XML_Parser, XML_ParserCreate(), XML_ParserFree(), XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), XML_SetElementHandler(), XML_SetUserData(), xode, and xode_free().

00092 {
00093         XML_Parser p;
00094         xode *x, node;          /* pointer to an xode */
00096         if (NULL == str)
00097                 return NULL;
00099         x = malloc(sizeof(void *));
00101         *x = NULL;              /* pointer to NULL */
00102         p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
00103         XML_SetUserData(p, x);
00104         XML_SetElementHandler(p, expat_startElement, expat_endElement);
00105         XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(p, expat_charData);
00106         if (!XML_Parse(p, str, len, 1)) {
00107                 /*
00108                  * jdebug(ZONE,"xode_str_error: %s",(char
00109                  * *)XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(p)));
00110                  */
00111                 xode_free(*x);
00112                 *x = NULL;
00113         }
00114         node = *x;
00115         free(x);
00116         XML_ParserFree(p);
00117         return node;            /* return the xode x points to */
00118 }

Last updated at Tue Dec 18 21:07:42 PST 2007. This site and project hosted by...SourceForge.net Logo

Source Perspective by Fisheye